
Matsuyasabo Coffee Shop

(located at Narai station on the Nakasendo)


Our motto:

Peace unto those who visit; Happiness unto those who depart.


Dear Customer:  

Please enjoy the relaxing atmosphere surrounded by antiques and seasonal flowers. 

All ingredients on our menu have been selected to ensure the highest quality.

Our coffees are all brewed using the old Siphon system.


Premium Coffee ¥ 600

This signatue blend has been chosen by a coffee.aficionado and utilizes the rare“Toarco Toraja” bean from Indonesia.  


Cafe Au Lait ¥ 600

Served hot or cold with steamed or chilled milk.


Iced Coffee ¥ 500


Darjeeling Tea ¥ 450

Hot tea served with lemon or milk.


Iced Darjeeling Tea ¥450


Shinshu Apple Juice ¥450


Shinshu Grape Juice ¥450


Milk ¥400

Served hot or cold 


Matcha ¥650

Mild green powered tea served with Traditional “yokan” sweets.


Matcha Au Lait ¥550

Served hot or cold.


Amazake ¥450

Sweet, especially brewed alcoholic rice drink. Served hot or cold.


Vanilla Ice Cream ¥450


Matcha Cake ¥500

Contains green tea powder


Rare Cheesecake ¥500


Apple Tart ¥500


Zenzai Sweets ¥750

Contains atzuki beans and rice mochi cake in a sweet syrup. Served in 200 year old lacquer-ware and accompanied with green tea and homemade pickles.


Ice Cream with Anmitzu Sweets ¥650